Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Heloo bloggers!
I'm back wakakakakaa.

Recently I've been so busy with this stuff that stuff and another stuff.
well, it's good to be busy.
Hell yeah, when I was in SHS, i was not that busy *mind my super error gramatical*

well, one thing i currently want to do is...sharing what's on my mind rn!
well I did some research on my ownself..
then I get one question.

Do my pride is over everything?
well, I think all these times I've been making Pride as my reason, as a word to hold on.
I always think that begging,asking,moving first isn't allowed for a girl.
I've always wanted a boy to ask me first, if they want to do something that i don't like, they'll beg to me.

But then I found out in reality, there's only few of girl that did it.
It's a modern era, they said.
Girl can do the movement first, they said.
It's a trend that Girl is chasing after a boy, they said.
It's a trend that Girl should beg a boy to not leave her, they said.

But, I never did it.
I have my own principal, If they really like you; they'll chase after you, they'll beg to you, they'll hold you, they'll ask for your forgiveness, etc.

Then another one said; so what are you doing then? sitting there without any effort? even when you like someone, and you really like them, all you can do is watching, and hoping miracle to be happened?
 At that time, i said yes.
then it replied again: "if you're as pretty as SNSD's Yoona or your face is close to Zoey Deschannel's face, then you can do that."
omg. Fyeah!

but still, up till now, I keep holding on my principal.
 not knowing why.
not knowing how long I will be standing on my own principal.
Maybe after the 2nd miracle happens, later?

because the 1st miracle had happened, but it didn't last forever.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


 nb: gonna use gue. don't ask, i just feel like doing it! lol

minggu ini bisa dikatakan gue magically berbicara yang cukup dalam dengan orang2 yang inspiring.
Well mungkin tiap hari gue ketemu orang orang yang menginspirasi, tp orang2 yang gue talk to minggu ini tuh, emang inspiring banget :)

Gue recently memotivasi diri dengan dukungan dan bacaan dr Gue seneng banget bacanya, so reality yet motivating,
Tapi kali ini, gue berhadapan dengan orang2 yang emang sudah merasakan banget life changing experience.
I can't tell you the names.

Pertama, someone told me that: ikutilah hati nurani.
Selama ini nih, gue selalu bertanya kepada org disekitar gue.
Gue cocoknya dimana, haruskah gue lanjut apa gimana.
Tapi gue lupa nanya diri gue sendiri. Lupa.
Gue sibuk nanya sana sini, tanpa bertanya duluan sama diri gue.
The conversation was really giving me impact.
Dan satu kata lainnya; nyaman.
Ngapain lo mencari yg lain kalo lo udah nyaman sama apa yang lo jalanin.
bam,pukulan mental. HAHAHAHA.

 Kedua, another inspiring woman, told me that: Semua orang pasti bisa, tapi ga semua orang punya kemauan dan eager yang besar untuk maju. Jadilah orang yang berbeda dari sudut pandang itu.
Gue selama ini minder banget. Karna gue belom achieve something big that can make my leader proud.
But when i hear this word from this amazing woman, gue sadar.
Beliau juga bilang: "Mungkin sekarang lo belom dikenal atas kehebatan lo, mungkin lo biasa biasa aja, lo ga terlihat dsb. Tapi janji sama diri sendiri, kalo suatu saat nanti, lo pasti bisa shining in your way, in the right way.
Seneng banget gue dengernya. So motivating. And My mood is boasten.

So dear, inspiring people.
Thank you for your inspiring thought and story.
Someday, I want to be like you, in ME Version.
I want to make my own history.
Yang bukan buat tittle dan dibanggain aja, tapi buat refleksi gue sendiri, dan buat orang2 yang memang butuh cerita itu.

Love,  your lil newee.
Kiki :) 

Friday, February 08, 2013


this tittle means abstract to me. because i'm still the new born baby and have so many things to write on this tittle. yes, In Aiesec, i wish to write so many precious things that won't be forgotten. writing message


Monday, January 14, 2013


How to let go of your sadness?